Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Oct 18, 2024

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2024. #88. Hina.


The missionary family built their home at the edge of old Ko'olina near a stretch of sand that fell under the watchful shade of Waimanalo and Pili 'O Kahe. The heathens of the Wai'anae ahupua'a needed to hear the word of God and repent their lives of savagery and wanton lust among one another.
A Christianized Hawaiian named Hiram provided the head of the missionary family with his daughter to serve in any capacity he wished. Her name was Hina. The head of the family was named Ezekiel but was called 'Eli' for short. His wife's name was Ruth, and his son's name was Jubilum. The son took to the girl Hina very quickly and became her constant companion, the girl herself only aged sixteen years treated the boy as if he were her own son, the two were never far from one another. To Ruth, the girl was indignant and never obeyed her word, but for the few times she did as Ruth asked, she performed her tasks begrudgingly. In the presence of Eli, the girl was quiet and demure but always stared at him without blinking. It made Eli uncomfortable and nervous because he sensed that Hina could see into his soul and that she knew every detail of who he was, and it frightened him.

The girl cooked well and took special pride in performing her duties, but only when Eli was present. One day, while Eli attempted to gather fish in a wading pond near the ocean, his foot became tangled in the rocks and fell into the raging waters below. Having not acquired the skills to swim, Eli struggled in any way he could from going under, but the more he fought, the more he became tired and exhausted and nearly drowned. Everything suddenly went black, and when Eli finally came to, he was lying on the beach, coughing up bile and anything else he'd eaten. Standing above him was Hina with no clothes on, Eli had never seen a more beautiful creature than Hina, and before he knew it, she had taken him. Their secret love affair continued without Ruth's knowledge, sometimes right under her nose. Ruth began to feel alienated from her husband and her son, but she became increasingly bothered by Hina. The girl did not keep the Sabbath but instead returned to her own home and indulged in the pagan drink called 'awa and took the meats and fish, which were dedicated to the savage Hawaiian gods. In her drunken state, Hina danced the forbidden hula. On the Sabbath, Eli would disappear, saying it was his time to walk along the shore and commune with God; he would often return well past the appointed hour that any soul should be about on a Sunday. His eyes were glazed over, and his skin was flush and smelled of something heady and primal; Ruth became repulsed by him and refused to be anywhere in his presence. The following day, a small group of men arrived by canoe. They were the heads of the church from Honolulu. They were shocked to know that no church had been built, and no number of savages had taken the lord as their savior. Eli was ordered to leave for Honolulu with the men immediately. There was to be an explanation of his lack of commitment and faith in performing the lord's work. The canoe made it's way up the coastline, Eli saw Hina standing on the reef waving until she was out of sight, the canoe never arrived at Māmala. Eli and the men he left with were never seen again. Ruth took her son Jubilum, traveled back to the fair town of Kou, and eventually boarded the next ship back to Boston, never returning.


Years later, a large estate was built on the lands of Wai'anae, where a plantation boss made his home. Many Hawaiian youths were hired to work as servants in the sizeable multi-roomed house, especially a beautiful sixteen-year-old girl named, 'Hina.' She was tall and regal and held the stature of one bred of a chiefly status, a ravishing beauty that caught the attention of everyone who saw her, most notably the plantation boss. One morning, he awoke to sunlight pouring into his bedroom. Hina opened each window and drew back each curtain. The sunlight made the thin material of her dress transparent; he could see that she was naked underneath. Overcome with a mad lust, he took Hina into his bed, where she was more than willing to let him have his way with her. Afterward, it appeared as if Hina was exempt from her duties once the plantation boss would call for her. Sometimes, she would disappear for days with the boss, on horse rides, jaunts on the Dillingham train, or long hikes up into the valley at a cold pond where they would bathe for hours. One day, a message came that all landowners on 'O'ahu were to meet at the Honolulu location of Kou in the adobe school building. According to the message, they would form a group known as the Committee of Safety. The information itself was to be kept a secret. The plantation boss left his estate, he turned to see Hina standing in his bedroom window waving farewell, he waved back. While waiting for the train to pull up, someone carrying an armful of large bags accidentally bumped into the plantation boss and pushed him onto the tracks, where the Dillingham steam engine ran him over, decapitated his head, and sliced his body in half.


The new hotel was fashioned after the Halekulani architecture. The construction was not without problems, but it was finished nonetheless. The Ko'olina property was not well received by the locals either, as it was apparently anti-local. It did not help that the local news was too glad to report it. The general manager was frustrated. He turned the television off with the remote control, his wife massaged his shoulders and assured him that all would be well, he took his wife's hand in his and remarked, "Where would I be without you Hina?"

"Where, indeed? " his wife replied. "You better get ready for your meeting in town."

Leaving the property, he noticed his wife standing on the balcony of the west-facing tower, waving farewell. He paused his car for a second to wave back and blow a kiss. He stopped his car again at the security guard station as the 'Ewa Train ride clattered past, there was Hina still, sitting in the old train waving at her husband. He convinced himself that it was just the sunlight playing tricks on him; no matter the case, the general manager never made it to the meeting in town. His Mercedes was found in the parking lot of the Davies Pacific tower, but as for Magnus Johnson, no one knew what became of him.


Some say that the Hina of the Wai'anae coast is the Hina, who is the demigod Maui's mother; others say that she is a protective deity of the Leeward area, particularly Wai'anae. Whoever she may be, she certainly has it out for men in positions of authority.

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