Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Sep 5, 2024

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2024. #45. Occult 3.

After the powers that be reamed Officers Kahl and Gushiken sideways from Sunday, Chaplain Oku'u spoke on their behalf when the time came.

I was sent home and told not to expect to come back in no uncertain terms. 

"I witnessed Officer Gushiken's possession firsthand," Oku'u told the captain. 

"This was before she shot you?" Chief of Police Andrea Kamanu asked, not at all impressed, but all business. 

"She was possessed by several entities all at once; if you review the body cam footage, you'll see it," Oku'u insisted. 

"She discharged her weapon three times, yes? Directly on the center of mass?" Kamanu nodded in a way that she expected Oku'u to agree.

"Yes, three times," Oku'u sighed.

"Did you know Officer Gushiken before this? Did she have any reason to shoot you?" Kamanu asked.

"I met her just that morning," Oku'u replied.

"On the body cam footage from Gushiken and Kahl's perspective, you are seen yelling at them about the occult division and how you were against it. Do you think that might have been a motivating reason for Gushiken to fire on you?" Kamanu's questions were piercing.

"Andrea, it's just you and me in this office; it's not like I'm standing before a review board," Oku'u balked. "Why are you making this a one-person inquisition?"

"You're the head of this occult division as of today, Kalani," Kamanu adjusted herself in her seat. "The committee reviewed the body cam footage and then disposed of it. Officer Gushiken was possessed, as you stated, but that statement and that footage will not and could not leave this office. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," Oku'u stood and snapped to attention. "Is that why we didn't have an investigation and a union rep involved in this procedure?"

"Make it a habit to wear your vest from now on, Kalani," Kamanu said, ignoring his question. "Off the record, and this never leaves this office, becoming a man of the cloth was cowardly of you. Did you hate me that much?"

"No, Andrea, I never hated you," Oku'u deflated.

"Then why?" Kamanu's demeanor softened a bit. 

"God happened. That's why, honestly." Oku'u admitted. "That's always been the truth."

"If I were Officer Gushiken, I would've emptied the whole clip and reloaded," Kamanu shook her head. There was an awkward pause between the two until Kamanu returned to being the chief. 

"You're excused. Get a hold of Larry Nahinu. Let him know what's going on,"

Oku'u snapped a salute. "Very well, Captain."


"We're back online," Oku'u said as we all sat, grabbing our pizza slices from the big plate before us. Kahl downed the last of his beer before calling for another. Gushiken made short work of her cheese sticks once the pizza was placed on the table.

"I can't stay long," Kahl said. "I have a date, and I can't be late."

"Not that one girl from dispatch, is it?" Gushiken laughed.

"No, not her," Kahl replied. "And even if it was, why do you care?"

"I don't care," Gushiken spat out parts of her cheese bread. "I'm just trying to verify how desperate you are!"

"Oh fuck you, Vernelle," Kahl gave her the finger.

"Fuck yourself; it's easier that way because there's no worry about commitment after," Gushiken affected a whiney tone. "It's just you and your messy hand!"

I was too busy laughing to intervene. But the chaplain did it for me. "My god, this is worse than the locker room at St. Louis! Please have some decorum!"

"Now it makes sense," I nodded. "You went to St. Louis, became a cop, and then a chaplain. You look more like a linebacker than a chaplain, but people probably tell you that all the time, right?"

"We're moving into a bigger office, and per the word of the chief, I'm the head of the occult division." Oku'u didn't seem happy. "Bachi for me, Nahinu, after yelling at you the way I did. This is what I get," be continued

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