Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Sep 4, 2024

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2024. #44. Occult 2.

 The way that possessions are being portrayed in the media, and by media, I mean the internet, social media, and film, is that the holy person who has been called to address the entity causing the possession always ends up being possessed themselves, because of some moral transgression from their past that has never been truly resolved.

Even if by the end of the movie, the demon in question is vanquished, it somehow still survives so that it can return for the sequel. As a result, in real life, the church and religion in general are weakened in man's eyes. What with pedophiles in the church and mega pastors who are billionaires having affairs at will? It all seems hopeless to have faith.

I'm a Buddhist myself and an advocate of the beliefs of my Hawaiian ancestors, and yet I believe that film has unfairly portrayed the clergy in its efforts to fight true evil. So, when the police chaplain was called to address Officer Gushiken's possession, I availed myself to support this person in any way I could.

The pipe fitting company was located on the corner of Leokāne and Pupu'ole Street. Once Officer Kahl, Gushiken, and I showed up, all forms of possession stopped. Everyone ceased being possessed. The HPD chaplain drove in a minute after we arrived. Rushing up to stop us, he grabbed us and walked us back to his vehicle.

"I'm Chaplain Oku'u," he said in a hurried tone. "I want the three of you to know that for the longest time, I have vehemently told the captain that a division like this should have never been formed and that no good would ever come from it! And now look where we are! I, of all people, have been dragged into this foul and ungodly business of yours!"

"With all due respect, Chaplain Oku'u," I began. "No one called for your services."

"What do you mean?" The Chaplain balked. "I received a call an hour ago because people at this address were being possessed!"

"It wasn't me, sir," I raised my hands.

"Not me either," Officer Kahl took a step back.

"We did," it sounded like a thousand voices coming out of Officer Vernelle Gushiken. Her eye color vacillated from black to brown, to hazel, to blue, green, and finally a steel gray. In a flash, she drew her sidearm and shot Chaplain Oku'u three times in the chest. He went down in a heap, and even before Officer Kahl could draw his sidearm, Officer Gushiken fainted to the pavement, and the workers in the warehouse resumed being possessed. Kahl and I attended to the Chaplain, who pushed the both of us away while getting to his knees simultaneously. Rubbing his hands over his chest, he let out a deep sigh. 

"Of all the days I decided to wear Kevlar, today was the day," he was trying to catch his breath. "I even questioned myself why I should wear one, considering I was called to help with someone being possessed; why would I need it? But I did it anyway; who knew?" He laughed to himself. "Who fucking knew?"

We helped Officer Gushiken to her feet and got her some cold water. When she was clear-headed, she profusely apologized to the Chaplain. "I couldn't stop myself; I saw myself doing it, but it was like other people were in control, and no matter how much I screamed for it to stop, it wouldn't. There's so many of them, and they wanted you dead, chaplain Oku'u,"

"Forgive me," Kahl extended his hand to the Chaplain. "Officer Devin Kahl, and that's Officer Vernelle Gushiken."

"And you're the civilian counterpart to all this, right?" Chaplain Oku'u blustered to me.

"Larry Nahinu,"  I said as he took my hand in both of his and held it there.

"You have kuleana you don't want to step into, Larry. Why?" He seemed genuinely confused.

"I don't what you mean, chaplain?" What an odd thing for him to say.

"You do know," he insisted. "But you're reluctant; you can't do the job you're doing now and be reluctant, Larry. In the end, it will do more harm to you than good. You'll have to decide at some point."

"I'm going to have to file a report," Gushiken said. "I'm screwed. I shot an HPD Chaplain; there goes my job. Guess I'll see you guys at Wal-Mart, checking your receipts."

"All of our body cams are on, so let me explain before you guys say anything," the Chaplain said. "Hopefully, it will result in just one side of our asses getting chewed out." be continued

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