Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Sep 26, 2024

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2024. #66. Hiram.

 It was exhausting to watch.

The old man was frustrated, and even though those around him meant well and wanted to help him, they never asked him how they could help him. They just showed up and began raking the yard and pulling weeds. Others washed his car without asking what to use so that the finish didn't dull. The old man grew medicinal plants in his yard, so you can imagine his heart attack when some young people began uprooting the 'uhāloa. Well-meaning or not, he had to ask them to leave, which they sheepishly did, still smarting from the sting of his harsh words. An hour later, the old man appeared at the community center where the young people had come from and apologized for being so cross. 

"Everything I grow in my yard is for medicine. I understand you folks want to come help, but you guys should ask next time so I can explain it to you. I only use one special soap to wash my car; otherwise, using the wrong soap will strip the paint. Why did you folks come to my house anyway?" he asked.

Ian, the head of the community center, replied. "We heard you were la'au lapa'au and were having difficulty moving around, so we thought we should come help, but you're right; we should have spoken to you first."

"Who told you I was old and needed help in the first place?" The old man asked.

"Your neighbor down the road, he came and told us," Ian replied.

"Ha'alilio? That's not my neighbor; that's not even my friend. He's still mad at me cause I never gave him la'au for his cancer, but you see, he didn't have cancer. He just wanted my la'au so he could sell it and make money," the old man shook his head. "You kids, come to my house three days from now, and I tell you what I need."


Three days later, Ian arrived at the old man's house and found him sitting in his garage sipping cold tea from a mason jar. The old man waved him over and tapped the chair next to him. "Come sit, sit. Sit down. I never introduced myself before, I'm Hiram Kalewa. Where's your other friends?"

"They'll be by later," Ian replied. "They're all in school right now."

"Oh, I never knew they use high school kids; they look older than that," Hiram mused.

"By the way, the guy who lives down the road-Ha'alilio, he died three days ago. They're actually holding the services in his house," Ian whispered. 

"Yeah, I know," Hiram said while sipping his tea. 

"What happened?" Ian scooted forward in his chair.

"The opposite of la'au lapa'au," Hiram answered. "What you get when you make hana'ino."

Photo Credit: Dane Silva.

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