Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Sep 16, 2024

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2024. #56. Emotions.

 She sat up next to me in bed.

She was awake. I knew this because I felt her body move. From my most profound slumber, I awoke, and there she was. She had to crawl over me since her side of the bed was up against the wall. Her breasts brushed up against my chest, and her still-warm tummy grazed the patch of skin below my navel. I was instantly aroused. She felt it and adjusted herself for a second, and before I could comprehend my consciousness, she had me inside her. It was like jumping into a lake, not expecting the water to be freezing cold. It steals your breath away, but this wasn't cold. It was hot and pleasurable. I let out a more guttural gasp when I think about it now. She laughed a bit, knowing that she had taken me by surprise. 

"That's not funny," I panted.

"You'll get over it," she purred.


An hour later, after trading pleasures back and forth, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, putting her top on over her breasts, which were still erect and pointed, nearly bursting through the material of her shirt. She changed her mind, removed the shirt, and reached for her towel. 

"I forgot. I have to get to the post office. I better shower so people don't get a whiff of our love aroma, " she laughed.

"Maybe I better do that, too," I said, sitting up. She playfully pushed me back onto the bed.

"You stay where you are," she pointed. "I have things to do, and so do you."

She was correct; we had a full schedule today that had to be met. I could catch her later, but I had to clean up and head out. I had to be at a facility not too far from He'eia kea but more on the Mauka side. A film crew accidentally uncovered a body. The police were waiting for me to show up so that I could determine the cause of death. In normal circumstances, I should have been star-struck with all the celebrities hanging about, awaiting word to see if what was found was something they could later base a movie on. About three yards away was a taped-off area that the police pointed to. I followed their directions and went ahead. In a second, I realized that they weren't following me.

"You guys coming?" I pointed to the taped-off area.

"Fuck that," they waved me off. "We don't want the spirit of that person following us home."

I shrugged and went on ahead. The ground was dug in haste. It was less than a shallow grave, meaning whoever did this was interrupted by someone or something, or maybe even a sound or an approaching vehicle as they tried to bury this body. The dirt that covered the upper half of the body was cleared away, and because of that, I must say this. One of the things about my job is learning how to separate emotions from what you have to do. Some programs help you with that, but you're not long for this profession if you have difficulty doing so. That happened to me; my professional assessments kicked in on the scene, and my emotional component occurred at home.


She was making herself a bowl of raisin bran; beside the bowl was a tall glass of guava juice and four pieces of toast. "Oh, here," she said when she saw me walk into the kitchen. She reached in and removed a tall bottle of orange Coca-Cola. "Your favorite." Placing on the counter, she walked up to me and gave me a kiss. "The bed's a mess 'cause I got my paperwork all over it; I'll clean it up in a sec in case you wanted to lay down."

"I'm good," I assured her. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," she said while she sat and adjusted herself on the stool, scooping up spoonfuls of raisin brand and munching on them.

"Do you recall anything about last night before you got home from work?" I asked. 

She paused and thought, her eyes indicating that she was looking for the answer. Squinting a bit, she said, "I was taking the right turn onto Likelike highway, and something that looked like a dog ran in front of the truck, but you know what it was? One of those Wallabees, but shit if I didn't run it over. I was gonna pick it up and put it in the back of the truck, but something happened, and I'm drawing a blank after that."

"I was in such a rush to leave this morning; I didn't even notice it," I began.

"That's what happens when you get your world rocked first thing in the morning," she chuckled.

"Come," I said. "I'll show you."

She followed me to the garage and immediately yelped, "Uh, where's my truck?"

"It's at the driveway at your job," I said. "It was found parked there with the engine running. Do you remember anything else?"

"No," she shook her head. "Nothing."

I showed her the pictures I took at the crime scene in He'eia kea. She was looking at her own mangled body, half buried in the dirt in an abandoned field. Before the realization dawned on her, she slowly dematerialized. The emotional part kicked in, and I broke down. Love and loss in one day. It's true what they say; maybe you must separate yourself from your job so it doesn't literally follow you home.

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