Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Aug 29, 2024

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2024. #38. Unbless.

 The most interesting thing about blessing a place is sometimes having to do the opposite—remove the sanctity from a location.

The details in the who, what, why, where, when, and how are precisely that—too detailed. Suffice it to say that once the sanctity of a place is removed, every negative force that the blessing of that place is for is no longer being kept at bay. They have free will and free reign. There was a house in Kapolei where the soon-to-be former residents requested a blessing because of all the negativity in the place, one right after the other. I know the person who did the blessing, and he said the energies there were powerful, but he managed to stave them off by having the family plant ti-leaf around the house in large potted plants strategically placed in all four corners of the home. After ten years, the family moved to the big island because Kapolei was becoming too congested with all the construction and the increase of nefarious people, homeless and otherwise. 

"You would think that after living in a place like that, the family would want to keep the home blessed for the next occupants. For some strange reason, they wanted the blessing to be lifted before they left," my friend told me. "It was an unusual request, and even though they never answered my question about why they wanted to do that, I performed the ceremony anyway. Everything went to shit right after that."

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"In removing the sanctity from that house, I also had no idea that I was removing the sanctity from myself," my friend continued. "I lost my ability to do blessings, making me free game. I became open to spiritual and demonic attacks."

"Did that family know that this was going to happen?" I asked.

"I'll put it this way," he sighed. "They fell off the map. I went to vital records and deep-searched the internet. They are gone, fallen off the face of the earth, but the strange thing is that once they moved out, all the crime in this part of Kapolei decreased exponentially. It's like they took the negativity with them." 

"Your blessing of their house protected them from other spiritual attacks. It sounds like they used you to justify their means." My friend looked at me and shook his head. Through tears and frustration, he asked me to bless him before heading out on the road.

They're out there, folks, people who are designed to do evil purposefully in and of itself. They come off as humble and become your friends, but you have to be discerning and only trust those in your immediate circle.

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