Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Aug 27, 2024

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2024. #36. Uniform.

Kaukonahua Road. It's a long, winding road with many hairpin turns, so as you can imagine, there have been many accidents, and many ghost stories have surfaced throughout the years.

One such story is about a girl dressed as if she's just come from a volleyball game. Still, in her team uniform, countless people have seen her walking along the thin path of dirt beside the road with barely a space between her and oncoming vehicles. Many travelers pull their car to the side, afraid they might have run into her, but they find nothing and no one about. One year, when the race for governor was contentious, and signs for both candidates littered every inch of the island, a volunteer posted signs along Kaukonahua road and simultaneously appreciated the sunset toward Mokuleia. That is when she saw the girl in the volleyball uniform walking toward her. Asking the girl if she was coming from a game at the high school, the woman said that the girl told her her team had lost, and it was her fault. As a punishment, the bus left her behind, and she had to walk back to town.


"On her uniform," the woman shared. "Was the name of her high school the one on Noelani Street,"


The woman insisted on giving the girl a ride back to school and could not wait to relay the news to her parents about how horrible her coach and team treated her. The girl remained silent the entire ride, so the woman turned on the radio, and the two drove in silence. The girl lived just a short distance from the high school. It was a quaint, humble home on homestead land. As a story like this goes, you're expecting that when the woman knocks on the front door and explains the situation to the parents of the girl, she finds out that the girl was killed by a car along Kaukonahua Road and that some random person shows up at their door, claiming to have given their daughter a ride. However, no one is in the car, and later, the parents show whoever the driver may be on that particular night their daughter's obituary. In this case, the parents also showed the driver their own obituary.


They died in a car accident a year later while driving on Kaukonahua Road one night. Stories began to surface about a girl's ghost roaming the area, wearing a volleyball uniform. By the time the couple realized that the girl illuminated in their headlights was their own daughter, they swerved to avoid her and crashed headlong into an ironwood tree and were instantly killed.


credit: Depositphotos 

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