Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Aug 17, 2024

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2024. #26. Kaipu 2.

 ...continued from yesterday

Hayes worked as a healer for people who couldn't solve their problems.

They stayed at his beach house on a retreat for a month, where they could receive treatment from him. He and his patients would walk up and down the beach between sessions to get fresh air. One session included a group of young surfers who got pounded so severely in a wave that it gave them trauma to the point where they couldn't get in the water. During one of those breaks, Hayes first saw Kaipu sitting on the wall of her beachfront property reading a book. He was fixated on how wonderful she was, and then, without warning, she looked up, and they both locked eyes. His automatic reaction was to offer the braddah, braddah, eyebrow, and head raise together. Kaipu returned the salutation with a short wave of her hand. Hayes laughed to himself and continued walking with the young surfers. Later, when he came back with another group, Kaipu was still there. Hayes held his hand up high and waved this time. That's what he continued to do every time he saw her. That is until Hayes literally ran into her at Kalapawai Market. She was standing in front of the flask he wanted to grab and she walked right into his path and just stood there. That's how their first official conversation started. They were on speaking terms a couple months later, mainly hanging out on her wall fronting the beach. 

"So, if you're not that," Kaipu picked up the conversation where Hayes nervously left off. "Then you should have no problem checking out my girls, right?"

"I have to get back to my session, " Hayes cut her off. "But I'll be sure to send my clients by after dinner so THEY can look at your boobs to their heart's content." He waved goodbye and headed down the beach to his retreat center. 


Hayes and Kaipu sat at the old Spaghetti House one night, enjoying a fun dinner together. The place was teaming with local residents who were there for an evening of fine Italian food. Kaipu picked through the bread, grabbing only the tiny pieces and slathering them in butter. Hayes examined the wine bottle closely, ensuring it wasn't the cheap brand that gave him headaches. Taking a sip, he was relieved to know it was a Merlot. 

"You never thought investing in stocks would be good for your future?" Kaipu asked. 

"I never thought about it," Hayes replied. "I mean, I own a few rental properties, and maybe I should invest," he shrugged.

"You know I can help you with that, right?" Kaipu lightly scolded him.

"I dunno, money and friendships are a bad combination," Hayes said while buttering his bread.

"You're saying you don't trust me?" Kaipu feigned being offended.

"Well, what if something comes up and I have to invest right then, but I'm not around, and you can't contact me?' Hayes leaned forward. "Are you gonna grab that stock on my behalf and have me pay you back later, or will you grab it for yourself?"

"Ugh," Kaipu sighed. "I see what you mean."

"Friendships and money don't mix." Hayes moved his bread plate and a glass of wine right then so the waiter could place a pile of spaghetti on a plate in front of him.

Kaipu made room for her eggplant parmesan plate and another basket of bread. "So, then, you don't trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust YOU," Hayes replied, spinning the spaghetti noodles on his fork. "I don't trust money."


Afterward, Kaipu and Hayes walked along the beach until they sat on the wall at Kaipu's beachfront. They hardly said a word for the first hour; they sat together watching the cluster of stars while other people walked by, holding hands and having quiet conversations. "How about I make something for dinner at my place?" Hayes asked.

"What are you making?" Kaipu adjusted herself so she could sit more comfortably.

"Beef stew," Hayes answered. "My father's recipe."

"To be fair, I'll bring dessert. Maybe pumpkin pie," Kaipu looked up which stores in the area had the best pumpkin pie.

"Deal," Hayes nodded. "Beef stew, it is,"

"All these people you help to heal," Kaipu wondered out loud. "Do you ever heal yourself?"

"My dad does that. He'll come over when I need him, and he'll work on me," Hayes laughed. "He's just not as merciful as I am."

"Do you think I need healing, Hayes?" Kaipu asked quietly.

"From what?" Hayes looked at her. "Anything specific?"

"Just stuff from before," Kaipu was even more quiet.

"Let me see," Hayes turned and looked at her. "It's hard to say right now; I'd have to do this tomorrow when I haven't had a few glasses of merlot clouding my extra perception. Maybe after dinner, yeah?"

"Yeah," Kaipu smiled. "After dinner," be continued

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