Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Mar 3, 2018

Ke Ao vs Vortex

Vortex: A mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind.

Portal: A doorway, a gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one.

Leyline: Any of various imaginary lines along which certain ancient, man-made structures are thought by some to have been aligned.

Electromagnetic Field: A field of force that consists of both electric and magnetic components, resulting from the motion of an electric charge and containing a definite amount of electromagnetic energy.


After much research, it was interesting to discover that not one of the words listed above has a partnered equivalent in the Hawaiian language. 
With that said, I'd like to clear up a bit of confusion in regards to said words. As the result of misinformation or a lack of incentive to do any valid research, people have begun to confuse the vocabulary listed above as openings to other realms where Hawaiian spirits may dwell or utilize as a passage between worlds at will. Such is not the case. 

Scientifically, a vortex, as defined above, is driven by temperature and humidity. However, in this context, people are obviously referring to a spiritual vortex which is thought to be located along ley lines around the world. If referring to a spiritual or paranormal vortex then, we would be speaking of an otherworldly function that has no association between the spirit and the location of the vortex. Such information is stated in the findings of the MESA Research Group.*

In our Hawaiian culture, we list our spiritual openings as places where the dead have stringent rules and conditions attached to their non-corporeal forms before they can pass into the next world. In particular locales, the newly dead are either escorted by an 'aumakua to the world below only if they are fit by the proper protocol for passage. If not, they are resigned to become spirits of the restless dead forever wandering the treeless plains of the earth, feeding on spiders and mosquitoes. Such locations still exist today on each island with specific names and functions. 

There are three kinds of passages that will receive spirits into the chasm. One passage is for the desolate and homeless spirit. The second is reserved for the ghost-gods or spirit ancestors. A third is where other spirits come under the reign of the god of the underworld. For all three realms, there are signs and portents that preceded their function as they were about to make their advent known to the living. 

Today there are sprawling neighborhoods, schools, office buildings, and shopping malls which are built over realms that are said to be reserved for Hawaiian spirits. One such place that was well known for its overwhelming spiritual activity was the old Gibson's department store in Mapunapuna. Employees and customers alike shared numerous reports of ghosts and spirits roaming through the store at will. One rumor stated that the most telling sign that there was indeed an opening between worlds at Gibson's was the fact that the floor would always sink in no matter how many times they filled it. 

I'd like to conclude this blog with an interesting article that my wife and I came across regarding the rich spiritual heritage of our islands and it's myriad of energy spots. I reached out to the webmaster who shared that the article was written by Laura Crites before 2005. She certainly had the right idea as to what her impressions were. I would say that this would be THE article to read before you read anything else regarding its subject matter regarding Vortices in Hawai'i.

*Credit MESA Research group

There is something mystical about Hawaii that calls to people from all over the world.

One of the first astronauts to circle the globe recognized it from outer space.

As he looked down on Planet Earth, he remembers being deeply affected by two things he saw.

Smoke from the burning of the Amazon jungle filled him with despair and what he called the "exquisite emerald jewels in the middle of the Pacific Ocean," (Hawaii) filled him with joy. Garrison Keillor, of the radio program Prairie Home Companion, said while airing one of his shows from Hawaii, "When you return home from a vacation to Hawaii you just want to be a better person." After 9/11, Hawaii's governor gifted hundreds of surviving family members with a trip to Hawaii for purposes of healing. Many of them reported that they reconnected with their spirituality for the first time after the trauma while in Hawaii.

The call to Hawaii is stronger than any other single place on earth. Each year an international survey asks respondents to list their top ten fantasies of a lifetime. Year after year the list has only one fantasy that is a place, and that place is Hawaii.

It is not massive advertising of an idyllic island paradise that calls people to Hawaii from all over the world. Rather, it is the spiritual energy of this unique place which comes from three sources.

First is the position of Hawaii as a vortex of spiritual energy along the ley lines of the earth. These lines of energy have been mapped and calibrated. Sacred sites identified by humans throughout history consistently fall along these lines with particularly powerful areas of energy openings occurring at special locations. An especially powerful opening is located in the vicinity of the volcano on the Island of Hawaii. Many have singled out this island, in particular, as having uniquely healing powers.

The Hawaiian Islands also have a natural healing feng shui. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art literally meaning, "wind" and "water." The focus of feng shui is on enhancing chi or life force energy. This is done by achieving balanced and harmonious energy in your environment. Nature is an important aspect of feng shui and Hawaii's natural elements offer optimal opportunities for balance and harmony. The islands are surrounded by crystal blue water, with a backdrop of emerald green mountains. The trade winds of Hawaii keep the air clear of pollution and assure not only a comfortable climate but also soothe and moisten the skin. On top of that is almost constant sunshine. The result is an environment, which invites openness, is nurturing and supportive and is visually healing.

Finally, the spirituality of the native Hawaiian culture has implanted itself on the land and its people. We find it through aloha (the generosity and loving spirit of the Hawaiian people), Aina (their loving and mutually nourishing relationship with the land) and mana (the spiritual energy that they attribute to all things).

Aloha Foremost among these qualities is the aloha spirit. It is more than a friendly greeting reserved for tourists---it's a way of life. Jack London wrote "In what land save this one is the commonest form of greeting not ‘Good day,' nor ‘How d'ye do', but ‘love'? That greeting is Aloha---love, I love you, my love, to you."

This spirit of aloha, of generosity, forgiveness, and love, comes from the native Hawaiian people. Remarkably it has survived in spite of over 200 years of oppression. Hawaiians struggle with self-esteem issues, experience severe health problems and have their share of social dysfunction. But the soul of the Hawaiian people has prevailed and they often offer us a model of peace and understanding.

The spirit of aloha of the Hawaiian people has infused itself deeply into the culture and personality of Hawaii. It diminishes the wounding aspects of Western culture---the fierce independence, competitiveness, and materialism which isolate and diminish us in ways we don't fully understand. This aloha spirit is one of the enduring appeals of Hawaii that pulls people here in response to that deep longing that has no name.

Mana Accompanying the aloha spirit, but a separate and distinct concept which contributes to the magic of Hawaii is mana (spirituality) Renowned chanter John Lake describes the concept of mana as recognition that there is an omnipotent force that is the first source. As the first source, it is embodied in all that is. Early Hawaiian culture saw a vast number of things as sacred, ranging from rocks to names to ancestors bones. What was sacred had a power that could support or extinguish life.

The Hawaiian culture exhibits this belief in many ways. These include the tradition of opening and closing meetings with a pule (Hawaiian prayer) or chant. They also pray before beginning any healing activity.

The long-held belief of the people of these islands is that a supernatural, divine power is present in all that is, all that we say and do, and it contributes to the universal appeal of Hawaii.

Aina Finally, that belief in the spirituality of all things has had its effect on the land, the aina. One of the Hawaiian creation legends described nature and humans as siblings, created simultaneously. They were to be mutually supportive and loving.

Today, Hawaiian tradition maintains that relationship with the land by asking permission of a plant before picking it and using flower leis to honor and celebrate. And their chants and hula often reflect that mutually supportive relationship with nature.

Thus, although there are many beautiful places around the world, the position of the islands at a powerful energy vortex, the natural feng shui of the environment and the gentle spiritual nature of the Hawaiian people makes Hawaii a place of healing and transformation.

By Laura Crites

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